Welcome to Chemistry at StFX!
Welcome to the StFX Chemistry Department! Chemistry is the “central science,” providing bridges between biology, physics, earth and environmental sciences, nursing and health sciences, and a wide variety of other scientific fields. If you would like to have a much better understanding of why things work the way they do, everyday, in the world around you, chemistry is an excellent choice.
During your progression through a chemistry degree, essential scientific skills like critical thinking and problem-solving are constantly reinforced. Students learn basic and advanced experimental techniques in the laboratory components of their courses. Your chemistry degree will expose you to topics like synthesis of pharmaceuticals, computational modeling of enzyme-substrate interactions, renewable energy and climate change, sunlight-driven chemistry, and industrial-scale chemical engineering, by a department that includes five award-winning instructors and two award-winning researchers. Many opportunities for summer research positions are available, and in these environments, StFX students have received important experience that has prepared them for careers in medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, chemical research, high-school teaching, government policy, and forensics. Students are highly encouraged to join the StFX Chemistry Society, a very active group of chemistry undergrads who are involved in the running of chemistry tutorials and awesome social events throughout the year.
I encourage you to take the first step! Contact me to learn more about what a StFX chemistry degree can do for you!
Dr. Brian MacLean
Chair, Department of Chemistry
- Areas of Chemistry - American Chemical Society (acs.org) - chemists in Canada and US areas of specialization
Chemistry Links
3060 Nasso Family Science Centre
5009 Chapel Square
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5