December 3rd marks the Feast of St. Francis Xavier in the Roman Catholic Church. This day commemorates the dedication and service that St. Francis Xavier committed himself to through his outreach of faith and missionary work in Europe and throughout Asia.
A special mass to celebrate the University's Feast Day is held in the University Chapel, and often attracts alumni (both clergy and lay people), in addition to the regular complement of students, faculty, staff, and members of the community. During the Mass, students serve in various roles and capacities throughout as the StFX community celebrates our patron Saint’s holy day. Family and friends are invited to attend and join in this celebration!

December 3rd is extremely special to the StFX community, and so it is set aside as the day when senior students receive their coveted X-Rings. In the afternoon, recipients gather together with faculty in the Keating Centre to commemorate their time at StFX as they participate in the X-Ring Ceremony.

The Feast of Saint Francis Xavier is a time of reflection and thankfulness as the University commemorates the talents, dedication and effort that are reflected in the memory and celebration of St. Francis Xavier and the X-Ring.
306 Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5