In May 2019, StFX launched a new five-year Strategic Plan for Research and Creative Works outlining key objectives and actions that aim to increase the capacity for research and creative success.
Research Themes
The strategic plan identifies four interconnected, interdisciplinary research themes of primary focus for 2019-2025.
Public Policy, Governance & Leadership
Faculty research interests and capabilities: Economic, trade, employment and labour policy | Environment and climate policy | Security policy | International relations | Federalism (including federal/provincial relations) | Canada-US relations | Arctic policy | Indigenous governance and the enforcement of treaty rights | Policy impacts of think-tanks | Human rights and democracy | Transitional justice | Political history | Regional and rural policy | Social and cultural policy | Social change leadership | Health policy | Organizational development and leadership | Corporate social responsibility | Private and public sector governance and management | Indigenous governance | Women’s leadership

Climate & Environment
Faculty research interests and capabilities: Climate dynamics and the development of climate change adaptation strategies | Technologies and computational methodologies for measuring greenhouse gas emissions| Mathematical and computational modelling of environmental, ecological and energy/power systems | Environmental occupational health and safety research | Biogeochemistry |Marine and freshwater ecology | Marine biofouling research | Green chemistry | Measurement of atmospheric greenhouse gases | Environmental and natural resource economics | Indigenous fisheries and natural resource management rights | Environment-health research | Environmental policy | Business strategies to address climate change and environmental issues | Environmental education | Social movements in support of sustainability and environmental change.
Healthy People and Communities
Faculty research interests and capabilities: Indigenous health | Computational and statistical learning technologies to assist in diagnosis and characterization of neurodevelopmental disorders | Vaccine program implementation and evaluation | Population health assessment, dietary assessment, and epidemiological analysis | Use of statistical techniques and epidemiological data sets to study cancer and carcinogen exposure | Health policy research | Bio-medical ethics | Historical perceptions of pain| Intersections between western clinical interventions and non-western practices supporting health and well-being | Quality control information and management systems for pharmacies | Improving the quality of care and health of individuals experiencing mental health and marginalization in rural communities | Youth substance use and mental health | Social determinants of health throughout the lifespan within the context of social relationships | Culturally-relevant physical and health education | Food security and health | Educational programing related to health | Physical activity and mental health | Mental health literacy in school systems | Cosmetic surgery and body image | Physical activity interventions for disabled persons

Cultures, Societies & Developments
Faculty research interests and capabilities: Renaissance art history | Celtic languages, history and literature | Ancient, medieval and Enlightenment languages, literature and history | Hispanic civilization | Arabic studies | Ancient and medieval philosophy, as well as early and medieval theology, non-western religious traditions and Biblical studies | Urban social change | Sociological features of rural and remote communities (including work) | Entrepreneurship and innovative business practices | Employment systems | Mapping and assessing community-based assets for development | Labour force economics and readiness | Inclusive enterprise and innovation at the community level | Community-based food security | Early childhood development | Culturally relevant education strategies | Lifelong learning | Gender and sexuality | First nations communities | African-Canadian cultural studies | Digital humanities and new media | Open access digital resources


Christian Culture Lecture Series

Digital Humanities