Graduate Thesis Submission Guidelines

The Angus L. Macdonald Library collects a copy of theses completed at St. Francis Xavier University, submitted electronically, which will be added to the StFX e-thesis collection and published on StFX Scholar. Graduate theses will be submitted by the Library for inclusion in Theses Canada. Please note that we no longer accept physical copies of graduate theses.

The mission of Theses Canada is “to acquire and preserve a comprehensive collection of Canadian theses at Library and Archives Canada (LAC), to provide access to this valuable research within Canada and throughout the world.” Graduate-level research thus becomes part of Canada’s intellectual heritage.


  1. The supervisory committee and Department chair sign off on the thesis using the COGS-Thesis-Approval-Form.
  2. The student and/or faculty advisor submits a copy of the completed StFX Theses Non-Exclusive License form (please note: that this form includes a question about the use of 3rd party material) and the electronic version of the thesis in PDF format to the appropriate deposit form. See the thesis guide for more information. 

Please note: that the thesis should not include any personal information other than the student's name (e.g. do not provide a student number, any signatures, or personal contact information on the thesis).

3. The completed COGS Thesis Approval Form should be filed with the Office of the Associate Vice-President Research and Graduate Studies.

For more information about publishing your thesis on StFX Scholar, please contact: Kaitlin Fuller kfuller[at]