Academic Plan

In April 2023, University Senate approved StFX’s first Academic Plan, a plan that sets us on a course to look significantly different in five years. The plan, developed after extensive consultation across the university, demonstrates our commitment to continually renew ourselves to retain our place as a leading educational institution within this region and across the country, and to position ourselves to serve and welcome people from around the world. The Academic Plan outlines several significant changes to teaching, learning, and the academic environment at StFX. Among the things that we will do is open the university to more and different types of students, renew our curriculum, and invest in teaching and learning and professional development for our faculty and staff.  

StFX Academic Plan
StFX Academic Plan Goals at a Glance
Year 1 Implementation Priorities


Academic Vice-President & Provost

808 Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5