The StFX campus is bustling with energy as nearly 1,000 first year students started to arrive today to start their Xaverian journey.
It’s a particularly exciting time on campus as students arrive to begin the new school year. International students arrived early on Thursday, Aug. 29th for a day of welcome activities to help them get set up and familiar with campus and the specialized supports for their unique needs.
Earlier this morning, on Friday Aug. 30th, students registered for Community Connections arrived at the Diversity Engagement Centre to meet the dedicated professional advisors and peer mentors who work with the Black community, Indigenous community, and 2SLGBTQIA+ community on campus, while both a Relaxed Start and residence check-ins began today at the Keating Centre. Check-in continues on Saturday, Aug. 31.
StFX President Dr. Andy Hakin and his wife Linda personally greet each new student and their family as they arrive while students and their supporters proceed through a showcase to register, pick up student IDs, and check into residence.
By end of day August 31st, StFX will have welcomed over 900 new students into residence. To provide students with a warm welcome and to help set them up for success, a full week of activity is planned staring with a Welcome BBQ on August 31st, dedicated orientation activities on campus, and an off-campus community meeting.

Sunday, Sept. 3rd kicks off X Fest, further designed to support the transition of new students.
“The first few days are so important to building a connection with peers and the university,” says Jacqueline De Leebeeck, StFX Director, Student Life.
“Over the last few years there have been many enhancements and new initiatives towards a more intentional and whole campus approach to the first year student experience.”
Events taking place during the upcoming week include an academic orientation day, a health and wellness showcase, student services showcase, and a number of community events including a pancake breakfast, waterpark day, headphone disco, society night, and floor dinners.
On Saturday, Sept. 7th, first year students will be out in full force giving back to the community that so warmly welcomes them by raising funds on Charity Day for the Antigonish Affordable Housing Society.
A highlight of the week will be the Xaverian Welcome Ceremony on Tuesday, Sept. 3. The ceremony, a StFX tradition, marks the beginning of the students’ academic journey and of becoming a Xaverian.
StFX welcomes returning students back to residence on Monday, Sept. 2. Classes are set to begin on Wednesday, Sept. 4.