X Starts Here

Flourishing Foundations Pillar #1: X Starts Here

As Xaverians, you’re joining an extraordinary community of peers and a global family of alumni with a shared history, experience and commitment to making the world a better place. 

We have both a collective and individual responsibility to live up to the example of those who came before, and lead by example for those who follow – to be an ambassador for what it means to be Xaverian.   

The first pillar of the Flourishing Foundations program includes a series of online modules, for new university learners, designed to help you feel prepared for the transition to StFX. Topics covered include Life on Campus, Registration, Your Student Account, Campus Technology, Making the Best of your Study time and much more. 


Remote video URL

Also found in X Starts Here are the four mandatory learning modules that make up the Xaverian Community Foundations certificate. These introduce you to consent education, academic integrity, healthy socializing, and anti-racism. 

All new students, including transfer students, must complete the Xaverian Community Foundations modules to register for courses in the following academic year. Engage with different subjects to support your personal goals. 

To access X Starts Here, visit moodle.stfx.ca and enter your StFX email and password. 


Student Services

Bloomfield Centre
5555 Union Place
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5