New Student Registration: English


The Department of English offers one 6-credit course and one 3-credit course at the 100-level (see course descriptions at the bottom of this page):
  • ENGL 100 – Introduction to Literature and Critical Writing (6 credits)
  • ENGL 111 – Literature and Academic Writing I (3 credits)

Either ENGL 100, or ENGL 111, is required for a major, joint major, advanced major, joint advanced major, honours, minor, subsidiary, or pair in English. The choice of whether to take the 6-credit course or the 3-credit course is entirely up to the student; neither is recommended over the other.  (Note, however, that the "H" section of ENGL 100 is only available to students in the Humanities Colloquium; see below for additional information on this option.)

ENGL 111 is a required course in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

These courses may be electives in any program.

ENGL 100, or ENGL 111, is the minimum prerequisite for all other courses in the department.  Students who wish to take 6 credits of English in first year will be permitted to register in ENGL 111 in the first term and a 200-level ENGL in the second term.  However, you are not permitted to register in both ENGL 111 and a 200-level in the same term.  You must pass ENGL 111 before you will be permitted to proceed in a 200-level ENGL course. 

Bachelor of Arts students who are considering taking ENGL 100, HIST 101 and ART 142, and PHIL 100 may want to explore the option of the Humanities Colloquium, which offers these courses to first-year students in an integrated, chronologically coordinated way.  (Students in this colloquium will be pre-registered into the "H" sections of the ENGL, HIST, and PHIL, and in section 21 of ART 142.)

Course Descriptions

100  Introduction to Literature and Critical Writing
This course introduces students to the critical tools and methods of literary study, including close reading and argumentative writing. Students will learn about the history of genres (e.g. poetry, drama, and the novel) and forms of literature (e.g. tragedy, realism). Texts may include the earliest writing in English to more recent works in various media. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGL 100, ENGL 110 or ENGL 111/112. Six credits.

111   Literature and Academic Writing I
This course provides students with the key skills needed to succeed at university. You will learn how to write argumentatively; how to build a question or problem from a close-reading of a literary work; how to develop that argument by presenting and analyzing evidence; how to engage in scholarly debate; how to do university-level research. Credit will be granted for only one of ENGL 111, 100 or 110. Three credits.

ENGL 111:11 - Hope
ENGL 111:12 - The Most Important Course of Your University Career
ENGL 111:13 - Best Laid Plans
ENGL 111:14 - Labyrinths and Rabbit Holes
ENGL 111:15 - Reading Between the Lines: An Introduction to Genre & Narrative
ENGL 111:16 - Reading Between the Lines: An Introduction to Genre & Narrative
ENGL 111:18 - The Monster and the Monstrous 
ENGL 111:19 - Escape by Metaphor                   
ENGL 111:20 - Stories About Early Childhood
ENGL 111:25 - Transformation
ENGL 111:26 - Transformation
ENGL 111:31 - Losing It!
ENGL 111:32 - True Stories
ENGL 111:33 - Escape by Metaphor
ENGL 111:34 - What Does it Mean to be Human?
ENGL 111:35 - What Does it Mean to be Human?

200-level English course descriptions can be found in the online Academic Calendar.

Please refer to Section 9.19 English in the Academic Calendar.

Click here to go to the English department webpage.


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5