New Student Registration: Psychology


The Department of Psychology offers four 3-credit courses at the 100-level:

  • PSYC 101 - Introduction to Psychology as a Natural Science
  • PSYC 102 - Introduction to Psychology as a Social Science and Profession
  • PSYC 110 - Forensic Psychology 
  • PSYC 155 - Introduction to Psychology for Nurses

PSYC 101 and 102 are required courses for a major, joint major, honours, minor, subsidiary, or pair in psychology, and for a major or honours in applied forensic psychology.  They are also required courses for the Bachelor of Arts and Science in Health.  These courses may be electives in any program, other than the Diploma in Engineering.

PSYC 110 is a required course for the Applied Forensic Psychology major and honours programs, and is closed to students in other majors and other programs.

PSYC 155 is a required course for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and is closed to students in other programs.

PSYC 101/102 are minimum prerequisites for all other courses in the department.

Course Descriptions

101  Introduction to Psychology as a Natural Science
Topics include research methodology, neuroscience, consciousness, sensation and perception, learning, memory, and cognition. Students have an opportunity to be involved with ongoing research in the department by participating in experiments during the course of the academic term. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 101 or PSYC 100. Three credits.

102  Introduction to Psychology as a Social Science and Profession
Topics include lifespan development, motivation and emotion, health, social psychology, personality, abnormal, clinical, and forensic psychology. Students have an opportunity to be involved with ongoing research in the department by participating in experiments during the course of the academic term. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 102, PSYC 100 or PSYC 155. Prerequisite: PSYC 101. Three credits.

110  Forensic Psychology
Forensic Psychology refers broadly to all matters at the interface of psychology and law. This includes the production and application of psychological science and knowledge to legal issues. Restricted to students in Applied Forensic Psychology programs or with permission of the instructor. Prerequisite: PSYC 101, concurrent or completed. Three credits.

155  Introduction to Psychology for Nurses
A survey of the major topics of psychology applicable to the health professions, with a focus on age-related changes from conception to adolescence. Special emphasis will be placed on using critical thinking to evaluate scientific research, biological psychology, physical, cognitive and social development, health, stress, and coping, and the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 155, PSYC 100 or PSYC 354. Restricted to students in the B.Sc. Nursing program. Three credits.

Please refer to Section 9.32 Psychology in the Academic Calendar.

CLick here to go to the Psychology department webpage.


Registrar’s Office

2nd Floor Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5