St. FX's Women in Engineering Society was started in winter 2021 by engineering student, Alaina Bryce and professor, Dr. Brittany MacDonald-MacAulay. The pandemic was largely the inspiration behind this society as with social distancing requirements and the lack of opportunities to meet fellow students, students were feeling isolated. In the first two years of operation, we were still limited with ongoing regulations, but the spirit of the society was strong. We connected through small gatherings, such as through pumpkin carving events, volunteer opportunities, and study nights.
This society is welcoming to all, not only female-identifying persons. We strive to create an inclusive atmosphere conducive of strong ethics, support, equity, diversity, professionalism, and of course, fun!
Follow us on Instagram.
2052 Nasso Family Science Centre
5009 Chapel Square
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5