Riley Olstead

Sociology - Riley's Website Picture - October 26-2021

Riley Olstead

Associate Professor
Campus Location
Nicholson Tower Rm 618
(902) 867-3854

Riley Olstead teaches and does research in the areas of settler colonialism, decolonisation and especially the ethics of settler academic responses to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2015). Her work is focussed on decolonial health, agriculture, climate change and Indigenous/settler relations and ontologies.

2007 Ph.D., Sociology, York University. Dissertation: Panic Narratives: A sociology of gender, power and space.
2004 University Teaching Diploma, York University.
2000 M.A., Sociology, York University. Thesis: Making Madness: The discursive construction of mental illness in the Canadian press.
1998 B.A., Major in Sociology, University of British Columbia.

Courses Currently Being Taught

  • Deviance and Social Control
  • Health Justice
  • Sociology of Agriculture
  • Climate Justice

Olstead, R. and K. Burnett (forthcoming) “M’sɨt No’kmaq: Learning about settler relations and responsibility in trauma, climate change and gender". Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice.

Olstead, R. and Chattopadhyay, S. (2023) “Circles and Lines: Indigenous ontologies and decolonizing climate change education” Settler Colonial Studies. .

J. Black, Chattopadhyay, S. and R. Chisholm*. (2021). “Solidarity in times of social distancing: migrants, mutual aid, and COVID-19” Interface : A Journal for and about Social Movements. (12) 1, 182 – 193.

Chisholm*, R., & Bischoping, K. (2019). The narrative self in rural dementia: A case study from eastern Nova Scotia. Ageing and Society, 39(7), 1436-1458.

Olstead, R., K. Bischoping and C. Weaving. (2015) Gender and the UFC. Women in Action Sport Cultures: Identity, Politics, Experience and Pedagogy. Global Culture and Sport Series. Holly Thorpe (Ed.) Palgrave Macmillan.

Olstead, R. (2014). Panic disorder (Cultural Comparisons). Cultural Sociology of Mental Illness. Eds. Andrew Scull and Geoffrey J. Golson. Sage Publications.

Olstead, R. (2014). Popular conceptions of mental illness. Cultural Sociology of Mental Illness. Eds. Andrew Scull and Geoffrey J. Golson. Sage Publications.

Bischoping, K. and Olstead, R. (2013) Sayers’, Unnatural Death: A reconsideration of the modernist lesbian. Irish Journal of Gothic Horror. 12 (Summer), 4-19.

Olstead, R. and Bischoping, K. (2012). Men, masculinities and constructions of self in panic discourse. Journal of Men’s Studies. 20 (3), 274-286.

Bischoping, K. and Olstead R. (2012). A Durkheimian reading of gender and morality in the modern mystery. Philosophy. Culture and Traditions Journal, 7, 126-143.

Olstead, R. & K. Bischoping. (2012). Spinsters and suspects: Gender and moral citizenship in poison pen mystery novels. Reading Sociology, 2nd ed. Lorne Tepperman (Ed.). Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Olstead, R. (2011). Gender, space and fear: A study of women’s edgework. Urbanity, Fear and Political Action: Explorations of Intersections. Emotions, Space and Society. Vol. 4 (2), 86-94.

Olstead, R. (2007). Panic in the mall. Public: Journal of Art, Culture and Ideas, 36, 87-96. Olstead, R. (2005). Panic: Psychiatry, gender and the ‘War on Terror’. GR Journal for The Arts, Sciences & Technology, 3 (1), 9-15.

Olstead, R. (2002). Contesting the text: Canadian media depictions of the conflation of mental illness and criminality. Sociology of Health and Illness, Blackwell Publishing, 24 (5), 621-643.

Olstead, R. (2002). Race, class and gender: O.J. revisited. In C.E. Reasons, D. J. Conley & J. Debro (Eds.), Race, Class, Gender and Justice in the United States. (pp. 162-178). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Olstead, R. (2001, Summer). Making ‘madness’ in the popular press: An assessment of the power/politics of media discourse. Red Feather Journal of Graduate Sociology, 5.…