Stephen Marmura
My research interests include various aspects of popular ideology, public opinion, and Web-based activism. I am particularly interested in the relationships between changing modes of state and corporate surveillance, propaganda dissemination, the proliferation of conspiracy theories, and declining public trust in government and the mainstream news media.
Education: Ph.D., Queen's
Media ecology, public opinion, popular ideology, propaganda and conspiracy theory.
Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Stephen Marmura (Eds.) (2023) Russiagate Revisited: The Aftermath of a Hoax. Palgrave/MacMillan.
Stephen Marmura. (2018). The WikiLeaks Paradigm: Paradoxes and Revelations. Switzerland: Palgrave/Macmillan. https://www.palgrave.com/us/book/9783319971384
Stephen Marmura. (2008; 2010). Hegemony in the Digital Age: The Arab/Israeli Conflict Online. New York: Lexington Books. https://www.amazon.ca/Hegemony-Digital-Age-Conflict-Critical-ebook/dp/B003Y7356M
Journal Articles
Stephen Marmura. (2020). “Russiagate, WikiLeaks and the political economy of post-truth news”. International Journal of Communication. Vol. 14. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/14287
Stephen Marmura. (2019).“Assessing the ‘impact’ of a media event: An Innisian appraisal of Al Jazeera’s Palestine Papers leak”. Global Media & Society. Vol. 15(2).
Stephen Marmura. (2014). “Likely and Unlikely Stories: Conspiracy Theorizing in an Age of Propaganda”. International Journal of Communication. Vol. 8.
Stephen Marmura. (2010). “Tales of 9/11: What conspiracy theories in Egypt and the United States tell us about ‘media effects’”. Arab Media & Society. Issue 11.
Stephen Marmura. (2008). “Surveillance, Mass Culture and the Subject: A Systems/Lifeworld Approach”. Democratic Communiqué. Vol. 22(2).
Stephen Marmura. (2008). “A net advantage?: The internet, grassroots activism and American Middle Eastern Policy”. New Media & Society. Vol. 10(2).
Book Chapters
Stephen Marmura. Digital media, Propaganda, and Information Wars. (2023). In Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Stephen Marmura (Eds.). Russiagate Revisited: The Aftermath of a Hoax. Palgrave/MacMillan.
Stephen Marmura. WikiLeaks, Russsiagate, and the Crisis of Democracy. (2023). In Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Stephen Marmura (Eds.). Russiagate Revisited: The Aftermath of a Hoax. Palgrave/MacMillan.
Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Stephen Marmura. (2023). Introduction. In Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Stephen Marmura (Eds.). Russiagate Revisited: The Aftermath of a Hoax. Palgrave/MacMillan.
Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Stephen Marmura. (2023). Conclusion: What are the Main Lessons? In Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Stephen Marmura (Eds.). Russiagate Revisited: The Aftermath of a Hoax. Palgrave/MacMillan.
Stephen Marmura. (2012). The Mediation of Identity: Key Issues in Historic Perspective.
In R. Luppicini (Ed). Handbook of Research on Technoself: Identity in a Technological Society. Idea Group Global.
Stephen Marmura S. (2010). Security vs. Privacy: Media Messages, State Policies, and American Public Trust in Government. In E. Zureik, L. Harling Stalker, E. Smith, D. Lyon and Y. Chan (Eds). Surveillance, Privacy and the Globalization of Personal Information: International Comparisons. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Other Publications
Stephen Marmura. (Sept. 22, 2014). “The growth of conspiracy theorising is influenced by dominant media narratives and news framing practices.” Democratic Audit (London School of Economics). https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/35433469.pdf
Loise Amoore, Stephen Marmura and Mark Salter, M. (2008). Editorial: “Smart Borders and Mobilities: Spaces, Zones and Enclosures”. Surveillance & Society. Vol. 5(2).
David Lyon, Stephen Marmura, and Pasha Peroff. (2005) Location Technologies: Mobility, Surveillance and Privacy, Report submitted to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. 79 pages.