Yvonne Fraser
I began my appointment as a Nurse Educator in the School of Nursing at StFX University in 1999. I am currently the Placement Coordinator for the School of Nursing, a position I began in 2003. This position involves working with a variety of groups and individuals both within and external to the Rankin School of Nursing and HSPnet, Health Science Placement Network, a web-based system for managing practice education placements throughout the province of Nova Scotia to coordinate clinical nursing experiences for BScN (n600+) students.
I have been a Nurse Educator in all years of the nursing program, supervising students in acute care and teaching Introduction to Clinical Nursing Practice and Nursing Care of Adults for Spring Intercession. I am currently assigned as the Coordinator and as a Nurse Educator for pediatric clinical practice in acute care settings and community agencies. Within my role as a Nurse Educator, I work with students to further their knowledge regarding the healthy growth and development of children and aid students to gain confidence in their communication skills with children and families in a family centered care approach.
Graduated in 2017 with a MEd in Curriculum with a Concentration in Nursing/Health Sciences. This degree enhanced my knowledge of teaching and learning. The focus of my project was Enhancing Nursing Education through Peer Assisted Learning. I believe this topic would help foster an environment conducive to student success.
I reside in the County of Antigonish and I am the mother of two daughters and 5 grandchildren.