Summary extracted from the Purchasing Card (PCard) Program and User Guide:
The card must not be used for the following:
- Purchases over card limits including all fees, taxes and shipping costs (no transaction splitting)
- Goods or services from any officer or other employee of the University
- Cash advances
- Personal use
- Alcohol, narcotics and other hazardous chemicals or materials
- Laboratory or research animals
- Leasing or rental of equipment in excess of 30 days
- Maintenance contracts
- Radioactive materials
- Salaries, wages or consulting fees
- Travel expenses (including airline tickets, hotels, meals, registrations, taxis, etc.)
- Professional Allowance purchases
- Furniture
- Computer purchases including desktop computers, laptops, printers, monitors, and peripherals (unless authorized).
Acceptable Purchases include:
- Supplies and service for University owned vehicles
- Maintenance supplies (electrical, mechanical, building, etc.)
- Tools, small equipment
- Non hazardous chemicals
- Short term equipment rentals
- Mail/Phone/Web orders
- Books, subscriptions, etc.
- Memberships
- Research related goods and services (subject to exclusions above)
Financial Services
2nd Floor MacKinnon Hall
4130 University Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5