StFX was the first university in Canada to develop and offer a dedicated experiential learning program to undergraduate students. As an academic program under the stewardship of the Academic Vice President and Provost, Service Learning provides opportunities to approximately 27% of the student population each year.


Course Based Service Learning (CBSL) is an experiential educational component within existing academic courses. Student placements are designed in collaboration with Community Partners to address specific needs within their organizations. CBSL students spend approximately 20 hours per semester working with local non-profit community agencies while completing course assignments that help them link practical experience and theoretical learning.

Immersion Service Learning (ISL) is an intense cross‐cultural travel experience offered during Reading Week, the end of winter term or over the summer months. ISL students provide service in their host community, attend lectures, and visit local sites of historical, cultural or political importance, developing a framework for reflection on global social justice and community development issues.