Meet Kaitlyn Duff: The fourth year student, and Donald Marshall Sr. Award recipient, interested in a career in human rights and community development 

Kaitlyn Duff

Editor’s Note: As we celebrate Mi’kmaq History Month in October, we’re proud to spotlight some of our own people, Indigenous culture, contributions and history. 

Kaitlyn Duff of Pictou Landing First Nations is a fourth year student studying psychology at StFX. She says attending StFX has been a dream of hers since she was a child—StFX was close to home, the X-Ring appealed, and she enjoys psychology and learning how individuals interact. “I think psychology can be healing.”

Ms. Duff, who is interested in a career in human rights, policy, and community development—anything to advocate for all people—first came to StFX in 2011 and enjoyed university. She decided to continue to another institution for another program. She returned to StFX in 2021 to complete her degree. “This past year and a half, I have had amazing support and conversations from my professors. Terena Francis, the Indigenous Coordinator, has made our experience feel like home. We have a great community here at StFX.” 

Ms. Duff, who is a recipient of the Donald Marshall Sr. Award in 2021 and the 2015 Chiefs of Ethics Award at Holland College, says it is crucial to shine a light on Mi’kmaq History Month. 

“There has been a lack of education and understandings that has hindered relationships. Together, We Are All Treaty People who can collaborate to make positive progressive change for everyone.” 

For those who want to learn more or educate themselves, she advices first to be open minded, to listen to stories and Treaty Education. “It can contradict previous education, but to get all perceptions is important.” 

Ms. Duff says she can compare her experience at StFX over a 10 year time difference. “I have found StFX has changed to support all students and take a look at structural oppressions that exclude individuals. I am seeing a more diverse student body who can learn from one another.”