StFX #1 in the country in student satisfaction, #2 in reputation, according to Maclean’s University Rankings

StFX leads the country when it comes to student satisfaction, and ranks second overall in reputation, according to the annual Maclean’s University Rankings.

The newly released 2022 Maclean’s rankings saw StFX ranked #1 in student satisfaction in the primarily undergraduate university category. In achieving the #1 ranking, StFX received high marks in crucial categories, including finishing atop the student satisfaction category as well as #1 in course instructors and #1 in extracurricular activities. StFX ranked second nationally for both reputation and for residence living and placed third overall in experiential learning and in academic advising support.

More than 19,000 university students responded to Maclean’s online satisfaction survey, giving their opinions on professors and staff, residence life, and opportunities for extracurricular activities and experiential education. In the overall ranking of Canada’s 19 primarily undergraduate universities, StFX placed ninth.

“We are really pleased with the high scores StFX received in the student satisfaction survey,” said StFX President Dr. Andy Hakin. “Ranking #1 is a testament to the university’s immersive approach to academic learning and leadership building skills. Our highly personalized model of education also speaks to StFX ranking well in reputation. Our graduates continue to excel after StFX, in the workplace and in furthering their studies. 

“Ranking #1 in course instructors is due to StFX’s outstanding faculty, who have an invested interest in their students’ progress in and outside of the classroom. To have students recognize their professors’ contributions is simply amazing,” added Dr. Hakin. “Essentially, these national statistics are a glimpse into our success as an institution but I acknowledge that there is work to do to improve our university’s overall national ranking.” 

"We are extremely happy to see that StFX was ranked #1 for student satisfaction,” says StFX Students’ Union President Jack Irvin. “It speaks to the hard work that was put in last year during the pandemic to ensure that students were put first and that the student experience StFX is so well known for was upheld. We will continue to improve the student experience and other areas at StFX by listening and working with students."

StFX rankings at a glance:
• #1 in student satisfaction 
• #2 in reputation 
• #3 experiential learning 
• #1 course instructors
• #1 Extracurricular activities
• #2 residence living
• #3 in academic advising support