StFX student Jeneva Dennis wins Sister Dorothy Moore Mi’kmaq Education Scholarship

Jeneva Dennis

Jeneva Dennis, a first year StFX Faculty of Education student from Potlotek First Nation in Cape Breton, has been recognized with the Sister Dorothy Moore Mi’kmaq Education Scholarship.

“Receiving this scholarship has given me pride, I am so proud of how far I've come within my educational journey. Being chosen for this award is an honour,” says Ms. Dennis, who received the scholarship during an awards ceremony held at Government House in Halifax on Treaty Day, Oct. 1, 2021. 

As a gesture of reconciliation during the 2011 Truth and Reconciliation event held in Halifax, the Government of Nova Scotia announced the creation of an annual $6,000 scholarship fund to assist Mi’kmaq persons studying full-time in a recognized teacher certification/education program.

Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey named the scholarship program after Sister Dorothy Moore, an educator and respected elder who has devoted her life to enhancing educational opportunities for Mi’kmaq people. 

The fund awards four scholarships of $1,500 each. Scholarships are awarded annually during Mi’kmaq History Month. 

This award is for Indigenous students involved in a teacher education program and Ms. Dennis says she hopes the impact is that it encourages more Mi’kmaq educators. 

“What appealed to me about education and becoming a teacher is I felt that there is so much more Indigenous content that can be added into the curriculum we currently have,” she says. 

“I feel that we need more Mi'kmaq educators in our communities. I wanted to be a part of the change needed in our communities, as I believe we need a Mi'kmaq language revitalization. I love learning, I'd hope that I can come back when I'm done my program to do my master's and PhD in education,” she says. 

“I also believe that there needs to be more history put into our education system about Indigenous peoples. I think of my children as well, and hope that they learn more about our cultural background as being Mi'kmaq.”

Ms. Dennis graduated from StFX in spring 2021, completing a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in political science and minor in philosophy. 

She is also a recipient of the Sherman Deveau Scholarship with the Bachelor of Education program. 

Ms. Dennis says the awards presentation on Treaty Day as an amazing ceremony. “There are only four recipients every year for this scholarship - the other three were from Eskasoni First Nation, and I felt pride in being able to represent my community Potlotek First Nation with receiving this award.”