Courses in Spanish

The Department of Modern Languages at St. Francis Xavier University offers language and content courses in Spanish. Consult the degree requirements to see which courses are required for your degree option.
The Spanish Program offers content courses in literature, civilization, history, and cultural studies. They are designed for students who completed language courses in our program at the 100 and 200 levels and for students whose level in Spanish is advanced.
Our courses explore different facets of Hispanic cultures, their history, literature, and cinema. As you will learn more about the Hispanic world, you will practice and improve your language skills. Can’t wait to see you in one of our classes!
Please note that we do not offer all the courses listed here every year. Please, consult with the Academic Calendar or our faculty members to find out which courses are available a given year.
Language Courses
SPAN 101: Introductory Spanish I (3 Credits)

SPAN 101 and SPAN 102 are our most exciting courses! You can enroll in SPAN 101 without any knowledge of Spanish and can be sure that, if you complete successfully SPAN 101 and SPAN 102, you will be able to communicate with Spanish speakers at the end of the academic year. Now, that’s a skill you can use in your future professional career!
In SPAN 101 students learn how to effectively communicate in Spanish. It is a rigorous course in which you will be required to hand in on-line homework assignments and short compositions on regular basis, take tests and oral exams, participate in language labs, and present collaborative projects.
SPAN 102: Introductory Spanish II (3 Credits)

SPAN 102 is the continuation of SPAN 101. It is offered to students who successfully completed SPAN 101 and to students with some knowledge of the target language.
If you enjoyed SPAN 101 or if you studied Spanish before coming to StFX and would like to refresh your language skills in a structured way, join us in SPAN 102. You can expect the same type of activities than in SPAN 101. Some sections of SPAN 102 offer a service learning component.
SPAN 221: Intermediate Spanish I (3 Credits)

SPAN 221 is the continuation of SPAN 102 and its objective is to train students to communicate effectively at an intermediate level. In this course you will review the main grammatical and communicative concepts you learned in SPAN 101/102, refine your language skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and learn about the cultures of the Hispanic world.
In SPAN 221 you can expect similar type of assignments than in SPAN 101/102 (on-line homework, compositions, tests, oral exams, written exams, collaborative projects). Some sections of SPAN 221 offer a service learning component.
Although SPAN 102 is a prerequisite for this course we accept students who did not complete that course but whose proficiency corresponds to the intermediate level. If you have any questions concerning your level of Spanish and/or your placement, please, contact one of our faculty members and request an override.
SPAN 222: Intermediate Spanish II (3 Credits)

SPAN 222 is an intermediate to advanced Spanish language course and a continuation of SPAN 221 and/or SPAN 299. In this course you will build on the language skills you acquired at the beginner and intermediate levels (SPAN 101, SPAN 102, SPAN 221, and/or SPAN 299), study and apply more advanced grammatical structures, expand your vocabulary, and deepen your understanding of the cultures and traditions of the Hispanic world.
In SPAN 222 you can expect similar type of assignments than in SPAN 221 (on-line homework, compositions, tests, oral exams, written exams, collaborative projects). Some sections of SPAN 222 may offer a service learning component.
Although SPAN 221 or SPAN 299 are a prerequisite for this course we accept students who did not complete any of these courses but whose proficiency in Spanish corresponds to the intermediate level II. If you have any questions concerning your level of Spanish and/or your placement, please, contact one of our faculty members and request an override.
SPAN 294: Intensive Study Abroad (6 credits)

This is an intensive second-year language course offered in cooperation with the University of Salamanca, Spain. Over four weeks, students attend 80 hours of language classes designed to consolidate grammar and common idiomatic expressions and increase active vocabulary. In addition, students take part in daily two-hour oral-culture sessions. Students are also encouraged to participate in university community activities and weekend field trips. Prerequisite: SPAN 101 (or permission from the department chair).
SPAN 306: Advanced Spanish (3 Credits)

SPAN 306 is a requirement for students willing to complete a minor in Spanish. It is offered always in the Fall Term and is one of our most advanced language courses. We encourage students to take it together with SPAN 334 (Spanish Composition) offered in the Winter Term.
This course is designed for students who successfully completed SPAN 222 and have a working knowledge of the language. The objective of the class is to improve your overall proficiency in spoken and written Spanish to an advanced level.
In SPAN 306 you will use Spanish in a variety of contexts, review complex grammatical constructions, and be exposed to representative texts from the target culture appropriate to developing your critical reading and writing skills. You will also attain a deeper understanding of the significant social, cultural, historical, and political aspects of the Spanish-speaking world, which will prepare you to participate in higher-level academic courses in Spanish.
Although SPAN 222 is a prerequisite for this course we accept students who did not complete that course but whose proficiency corresponds to the advanced level. If you have any questions concerning your level of Spanish and/or your placement, please, contact one of our faculty members and request an override.
SPAN 334: Spanish Composition (3 Credits)

SPAN 334 is a requirement for students willing to complete a minor in Spanish and it is offered in the Winter Term. We strongly encourage our students to take SPAN 306 (Advanced Spanish) in the Fall Term before enrolling in SPAN 334, but it is not a prerequisite.
This course is useful for anyone who is interested in improving their writing skills in Spanish. In SPAN 334 you will learn how to effectively organize your writing, how to write an anecdote, a formal letter, a summary, a project proposal, an expository essay, and an argumentative essay in Spanish.
Although SPAN 222 is a prerequisite for this course we accept students who did not complete that course but whose proficiency corresponds to the advanced level. If you have any questions concerning your level of Spanish and/or your placement, please, contact one of our faculty members and request an override.
Content Courses
SPAN 255: Cultural Production and Human Rights in Latin America (3 Credits)

Conducted in English, this interdisciplinary course will examine the history and reception of contemporary Latin American cultural production related to the defence of human rights. The course will cover controversial topics concerning repressed social groups with a focus on textual and visual artifacts. This course will include the study of literature, films, documentaries, testimonies, street theatre performances and photography. The course provides a foundation for subsequent courses in Hispanic literature and culture.
SPAN 315: Hispanic Civilization to 1800 (3 Credits)

Did you know that Spanish is called Castilian in Spain and that many other languages, such as Catalan, Euskera, and Galician are spoken in that country? Did you know that a substantial part of what constitutes Spain today was under Muslim sovereignty? Did you know that the encounter between Indigenous people and Spaniards in the 15th century led to religious and artistic syncretism still observed in parts of Latin America?
This fascinating course explores the foundations of the astonishingly diverse Hispanic cultures. You will learn about the pre-1800 cultures of Spain formed by a mosaic of Arabic, Jewish and Christian influences, examine the world of pre-Hispanic cultures of Latin America, and look into the question of the encounter between Indigenous people and Spaniards, and the influence it had on the colonial period.
Although SPAN 222 is a prerequisite for this course we accept students who did not complete that course but whose proficiency corresponds to the advanced level. If you have any questions concerning your level of Spanish and/or your placement, please, contact one of our faculty members and request an override.
SPAN 315 is taught entirely in Spanish and students are required to submit substantial essays in the course of the term. In order to take full advantage of this course we encourage our students to take SPAN 306 and SPAN 334 before enrolling in SPAN 315 or to take them simultaneously.
SPAN 325: Hispanic Civilization, 1800 to the Present (3 Credits)

If you want to understand the contemporary Spanish-speaking world, you can’t miss this course! It offers an extensive yet tangible view of contemporary cultures, historical events, and political conflicts that shaped Latin America, Spain, and the Spanish-speaking communities in Canada and the United States.
Although SPAN 222 is a prerequisite for this course we accept students who did not complete that course but whose proficiency corresponds to the advanced level. If you have any questions concerning your level of Spanish and/or your placement, please, contact one of our faculty members and request an override.
SPAN 325 is taught entirely in Spanish and students are required to submit substantial essays in Spanish in the course of the term. In order to take full advantage of this course we encourage our students to take SPAN 306 and SPAN 334 before enrolling in SPAN 325 or to take them simultaneously.
SPAN 327: Spanish Language Cinema (3 Credits)

This course is an excellent introduction to Hispanic cultures. In SPAN 327 you will have the opportunity to watch movies in Spanish, discuss them with your instructor and your classmates, and learn about Latin American and Spanish cinematography.
Although SPAN 222 is a prerequisite for this course we accept students who did not complete that course but whose proficiency corresponds to the advanced level. If you have any questions concerning your level of Spanish and/or your placement, please, contact one of our faculty members and request an override.
SPAN 327 is taught entirely in Spanish and in the course of the term students are required to submit substantial essays. In order to take full advantage of this course we encourage our students to take SPAN 306 and SPAN 334 before enrolling in SPAN 327.
SPAN 427: Spanish and Latin American Literature and Cinema (3 Credits)

In SPAN 427 you will have the opportunity to explore films based on Spanish and Latin-American novels, and acquire a critical perspective on contemporary issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, politics, globalization and human rights in Latin America and Spain.
SPAN 222 is a prerequisite for this course but we strongly encourage students to complete SPAN 306 and/or SPAN 334 before enrolling in SPAN 427. If your level of Spanish is advanced but you did not complete SPAN 222 or if you have any questions concerning your level of Spanish and your placement, please, contact one of our faculty members and request an override.
SPAN 431: Topics in Latin American Literature (3 Credits)

This course provides a survey of Latin American literature through the works of Latin American. This course will cover a selection of key literature readings, from the early nineteenth-century to present, with an emphasis on the ways in which literature gives a voice to value systems, traditions, and beliefs. The course is intended to complement language studies, and provides a sufficient grounding for subsequent courses in Hispanic literature and culture. Conducted in Spanish. Credit will be granted for only one of SPAN 431, 374 or 464. Prerequisite: SPAN 306 or SPAN 334.
SPAN 434: Topics in Spanish Literature (3 Credits)

The course covers Spanish literature from different regions of Spain. This course presents a selection of key literature readings from the early nineteenth-century to the present in their historical context. The course is intended to complement language studies, and provides a foundation to courses in Hispanic literature and culture. Conducted in Spanish. Credit will be granted for only one of SPAN 434, 363 or 463. Prerequisite: SPAN 306 or SPAN 334.
SPAN 498: Selected Topics (3 Credits)
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