Xaverian Community Foundations Certificate
Student Services has introduced three mandatory 60-minute online interactive modules which overview key policies that set expectations and govern behavior, including the Student Community Code of Conduct, the Alcohol Policy, the Sexual Violence Policy, and the Harassment and Discrimination Policy. The goal of this training is to introduce the concepts of what it is to be part of a respectful community, with a strong focus on academics, safety and harm reduction when socializing, and the practical knowledge and skills needed to build a culture of consent and anti-racism here at StFX. Most students complete the training before they join the community in September and all students must complete prior to registering for second year.
Good Neighbors Guide
The Guide contains information about health and safety protocols, tenancy information for apartment living, as well as details the laws and by-laws that everyone must follow. Students are vital and valued members of the Antigonish community, and the Guide helps them to understand the behaviors and actions expected of them as “good neighbors” within our community. The Guide is available online for students in early September. Landlords are provided a digital copy and encouraged to support students and engage tenants with the information in the Guide.
Personal Outreach and Engagement
We recognize the value of outreach and engagement in promoting and developing community through personal connection both on campus and in their neighborhoods.
Off Campus House Calls
Along with representatives of the Town and County Councils, Landlords Association, and members of StFX Leadership Council, we have continued the work initiated during the pandemic to provide in-person, door-to-door welcomes for students who live in over 350 rental properties off-campus. We visit homes and share helpful resources that covers topics such as being neighborly, planning, substance safety and resources, allyship, Covid-19 safety, resources and supports.
Landlords and Tenants
We provided all Landlords with the Good Neighbors Guide and requested that Landlords to discuss the Good Neighbors Guide with their tenants. We have also suggested approaches Landlords can use to support their tenants and provided contact information for university resources.
Residence Outreach Teams
The Residence Leadership Staff and trained Student Facilitators supplemented the Xaverian Community Foundations Modules with face-to-face Waves of Change Sexual Violence Bystander Training, Safer Socializing and Naloxone administration training. In 2022, StFX Residences will be holding Substance Use Awareness Campaign and Programming, September 24-October 15 leading up to Homecoming.
Student engagement
Students, through formal representation of Student Union representatives on the committees leading this work and through the extensive consultations leading to the new StFX Student Experience and Opportunities Plan, have been fundamental and valued partners in this work. StFX is embarking on a new five-year strategy to strengthen the student experience including expansion of this strategy with the support and engagement of the StFX Student Union as valued partners.