StFX VP Students originally formed the ad hoc Good Neighbors Working Group in 2020 to support the safe return of students to face to face classes in a global pandemic while also supporting and engaging the wider community. The Good Neighbors Working Group included representatives from StFX University, the StFX Student Union, the Town of Antigonish, the Municipality of the County of Antigonish, the RCMP, and the Antigonish Landlords Association. The group has met 16 times since the first meeting in 2020. Together we:
- Established goals and outcomes to meet our objectives
- Coordinated planning
- Maintained active lines of communication
The group was instrumental in supporting the safe return to campus and community and with the transition of Covid-19 from pandemic to endemic, the group has authored a Report with recommendations concerning the ongoing needs of StFX and the surrounding communities with regard to maximizing student health, belonging, safety and a positive social culture while minimizing harm to individuals and community. In arriving at its recommendations, the committee carried out an environmental scan, survey (450+ completed responses) and consulted over 15 community stakeholders through interviews and meetings to inform its ongoing purpose and processes for achieving its goals. The high-level recommendations from the report are available here
Academic Research
StFX is fortunate to have the work of Canada Research Chair Dr. Kara Thompson who is leading the wellness study UniVenture on campus. Click here for more information. This study designed for university students modelled after an existing, successful, and internationally recognized and utilized program called PreVenture. The study offers specialized workshops that help students learn and develop useful skills, set long-term goals and channel their unique personalities toward achieving them. These workshops are evaluated for the impact on student's academic success, mental health and harm from substance use.
Provincial Collaboration
StFX participates in “Keep it Social” a provincial student-led partnership promoting responsible beverage alcohol and cannabis consumption, personal choice and a culture of moderation. Click here for more information.
National Collaboration
StFX is a member of PEP-HA Postsecondary Education Partnership – Alcohol Harms. It is a network of campuses committed to understanding the student drinking culture, working to develop best practices to reduce harms from alcohol, and sharing these practices to help promote student health and safety across the country. Click here for more information.