German Courses

NOTE: For official listings of courses offered in the current academic year please see the StFX Academic Calendar Online.

101 German For Beginners I 

This course is an introductory course intended for students with no previous knowledge of the language.  This course provides students with a sound basis for learning German as it is used in spoken and written communication today within the context of German-speaking culture. This course will also familiarize students with contemporary life and culture in German-speaking countries.  Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 101 or GERM 100.  Three credits and language lab.

102 German For Beginners II 

This course is a continuation of GERM 101 and stresses progress and systematic practice in the four language skills:  listening, speaking, reading and writing.  This course will provide a more advanced foundation in the basic elements of grammatical and syntactical structures in the target language.  It promotes understanding of the culture of German speaking countries. Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 102 or GERM 100.  Prerequisite: GERM 101 or permission of department chair.  Three credits and language lab.

201 Language and Culture I

This course corresponds with the A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference of Languages (CEFR), and is designed for students desiring to broaden and enhance their knowledge in the four language skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing through the study of authentic materials gleaned from German cultural productions. Students will be given the opportunity to understand and appreciate German culture through the introduction of language, texts, film, music, etc. Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 201 or GERM 200. Prerequisite: GERM 102. Three credits.

202 Language and Culture II 

A continuation of 201, this puts the emphasis on understanding, speaking, writing and reading. Students will review grammar structures, acquire active vocabulary and continue to familiarize themselves with various aspects of contemporary German culture and everyday life. Students will practice their language skills through group activities, individual presentations and discussions of short texts, video clips and songs. Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 202 or GERM 200. Prerequisite: GERM 102. Three credits.

300 German Language III 

This course will develop proficiency in speaking and listening. Emphasis will be placed on advanced writing skills and grammatical structures. This course will also enhance knowledge of the German speaking world through insights into the cultural and literary life in German speaking countries. Prerequisite: GERM 200 or 201. Six credits. 


Modern Languages Department

207 Immaculata Hall
2360 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5