StFX’s Annual Giving Program is celebrating its many alumni and parent donors, who provide much-needed support and are so important to StFX and its students. Here we meet a StFX parent, Cynthia VanBuskirk, who has been supporting StFX since her son Cecil '20 began his education at StFX.
For more information on Annual Giving or to donate, please go online www.stfx.ca/give or call the Annual Giving Office at 1-888-222-0227.
Seeing their son Cecil thrive and grow in his four years at StFX, Cynthia and Kelly VanBuskirk of Rothesay, NB knew one thing—they wanted to continue to support the university well after their son graduated in 2020 with a BBA from the Gerald Schwartz School of Business, as well as a minor in music.
“After he graduated, he had such great success there, and loved it so much, it was just the right thing to do. We wanted to give back,” says Mrs. VanBuskirk.
“In a small way, we hope it helps,” she says. “We know it’s expensive to run a university.”
When parents see their child flourish from such a positive experience, it’s important they think to give back so that future students can continue to benefit from great professors, programs, and facilities, she says.
“That’s why I’m continuing to give, to keep the spirit of StFX. It’s quite a magical place. It really is.”
Ms. VanBuskirk says a donation doesn’t have to be large to make a big difference. “It all helps. I think everyone has to be part of it. Everyone has a responsibility. And if everyone gave, it would magnify itself.”
With automatic donations, it’s easy, she says, and rewarding to know you’ve helped.
Along with academics, Mrs. VanBuskirk says Cecil grew in many ways at StFX. He became actively involved in the campus community, serving as Students’ Union president his senior year, competing on the rowing team the entirety of his four years, and spending three years as Captain X, the spirited varsity mascot.
Today, Cecil is employed at Irving Oil, in the Innovation Department, is a member of several volunteer boards, including the StFX Alumni Council, and is married to fellow StFX graduate Kaitlin VanSteeg—they’re expecting their first child in July. Kaitlin will soon be a three-time graduate of StFX, with a degree in human kinetics (2015), a Bachelor of Education (2017), and is currently enrolled in the Master of Education.
Mrs. VanBuskirk, now semi-retired and running a small wedding planning business, and husband Kelly, a labour and employment lawyer, says the family didn’t have any connection to StFX until Cecil’s youth involvement with competitive hockey and rowing slowly exposed them to the campus and local area through tournaments and regattas.
Cecil connected with StFX Rowing Club president and coach Dr. Katie Edwards and decided to attend StFX, where he fostered strong relationship, including with staff and faculty members such as Dr. Edwards, music professor Paul Tynan, and Andrew Beckett, then StFX Vice-President Finance and Administration.
Dr. Edwards and Mr. Beckett were solid advisors when he became Students’ Union president, Mrs. VanBuskirk says. The job wasn’t always easy, but he successfully maneuvered through it. “Through that experience, as Students’ Union president, he learned and grew the most in leadership skills,” she says, “as well as in being able to take and give feedback, and to relate to people.”
Wanting to be involved on campus, Cecil also spent three years as Captain X, making his presence felt as the X mascot at varsity games and championships. His Captain X became such a popular figure, he was asked to do private birthday parties for area children. It’s a tradition he’s continued as he is now serves as Fleaburn, the mascot for the Saint John Sea Dogs.