Students FAQ

What is the cost of the program?

Please refer to the Student Accounts for tuition and other financial information.

Please see the StFX Academic Calendar section 2.1.4 for further information

PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with section 2.1.6 of the university calendar, students with a balance of fees owing from a previous term will not be permitted to register in a subsequent term or receive official university transcripts.

How do I register for courses?
What is the refund policy?

Students withdrawing from an off-campus Education course or program should immediately notify the relevant program office via email, including your Student ID and course name/number in the subject line:

Prorated refunds are made from the date of the notice of withdrawal. No refund is available after nine (9) class hours have elapsed

A $100 administration fee is charged if a student withdraws from a course within two weeks prior to the start date of the course.

See Here

How do I know how many courses to take?
How do I know what courses to take as a member of a Cohort Concentration?

In order for students to receive a cohort concentration, they must complete the sequence of courses as outlined in the cohort concentration information flyers posted online and in cohort concentration schedules.

Students must complete the proposed course sequence to achieve a specialized concentration.

How do I check my student account balance? How do I make a payment?
  • Open the StFX Portal Page
  • Enter your user name (x2000abc) and password
  • Click on "myData" icon
  • Enter your user name (x2000abc) and password
  • Click on the "Activity_and_current_Balance" icon to view your student account.
  • If you have questions about your Student Account, please contact the Student Account Office.

How Do I Make A Payment:

Where do I find documents for Course Reimbursement?

You can access two reports:

  • Grade Report
  • Class Schedule (i.e. lists course number, name, and start and end dates)

via Banner Self-Service that are used for submittal for course reimbursement. 

Students can request an official receipt of tuition from StFX Student Accounts.

How do I view my Grade Report? (unofficial transcript)

You can view your current and past course registration as well as your final grades by viewing your unofficial transcript in your Grade Report.

  • Open the StFX Portal Page
  • Enter your user name (x2000abc) and password
  • Click on the "Banner Self Service" icon
  • Enter your student ID and PIN number
  • Click on "Registration"
  • Click on "Student Records"
  • Click on "Grade Report"
  • Select the transcript level and transcript type, then click Submit. 

**This Grade Report can be submitted to the Department of Education as proof of course start and end dates.**

How do I request an official receipt for tuition?
  • Official Receipts are provided by the Student Accounts Office.
  • You can contact them by visiting their homepage.
How do I request an official transcript?

Course start and end dates and proof of completion of courses can be verified by requesting your official transcript through our registrar’s office. The transcript comes authenticated with the official university seal and the signature of our registrar.

Transcript requests are generally processed within three to five business days, unless students have a financial hold or have requested that they be held for term grades, degree posting or other reasons. All financial holds must be cleared on the student account before the request can be processed.

Transcripts are issued only upon receipt of the request form bearing the student's original signature. 

Please visit the Transcripts of Academic Record page for more information and to download the application form. 

Students requesting transcripts for the purposes of classification upgrades in Nova Scotia should visit the following page for information on submission deadlines

Note from the Registrar's Office:The instructions on the NS Department of Education website indicate that a letter from the St FX University Registrar is required to indicate the completion of the requirements of the Master of Education program.
When submitting an official transcript request form, indicate by checking the box that you have recently completed the requirements for the Master of Education program.
When the transcript request is processed, the StFX Registrar’s Office will confirm completion of the Master of Education program directly on the official transcript. The letter is not required based on an agreement between StFX and the NS Department of Education.

How do I request official letters of enrollment?

All official letters regarding student standing must come from the Registrar’s Office. To request a letter from the Registrar's Office you can log into mesAMIS using your student id and PIN.

  • Open the StFX Portal Page
  • Enter your user name (x2000abc) and password
  • Click on mesAMIS icon
  • Enter your student ID and PIN number
  • Click on “Confirmation of Enrollment”. This form allows you to indicate to the Registrar's Office exactly what you need and where they can send the letter.
  • If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office
    • Building: B15 Lane Hall
      Toll Free: (888) 734-7839
      Phone: (902) 867-2160
      Fax: (902) 867-5458
      Email Us:
      Office: 3rd Floor
  • Office of the Registrar - Services and Requests Forms

Confirmation of Enrolment (Unfunded) for the purposes of Canadian government student loans - any province or territory

  • Please click here for more information.
  • If you have any questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office
    • Financial Aid Office
      B09 & B10 Lane Hall
      Phone: (902) 867-2374
      Fax: (902) 867-5458
      Email Us:
How do I apply to graduate?

Apply to Graduate Process:

  • Students who are eligible to graduate must apply to graduate.

** Students who are registered in a fall course are not eligible to graduate at Fall Convocation. Students who are registered in a spring course are not eligible to graduate at Spring Convocation. Please see section 3.14 of the StFX Academic Calendar. **

How to apply to graduate:

  • Open the StFX Portal Page
  • Enter your user name (i.e., x2000abc) and password
  • Click on BANNER icon
  • Enter your student ID and PIN number
  • Click on "Student Services" tab
  • Click on "Apply to Graduate"
  • Confirm the correct "Select a Term" dropdown menu
  • Click on "Submit"
  • "Select Curriculum" - click the dot to the left of your program details
  • Click on "Continue"
  • "Select Graduation Date" from dropdown menu
  • Click on "Continue" 
  • "Select Ceremony Attendance" - click associated dot answer
  • Click in "Continue"
  • Review "Diploma Name Selection" - Click on "Continue"
  • Review "Diploma Mailing Address Selection" from dropdown menu - Click on "Continue"
  • Follow direction outline on second page of "Diploma Mailing Address Selection" - Click on "Continue"
  • Review "Graduation Application Summary" - Click on "Submit"
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