Over the years the Department has lost some of its best members due to tragic events. In memory of loved ones, their families have funded prizes for physics students at StFX. The prizes are:
David Davis Prize for first-year physics

David Richard Davis
1945 - 1966
StFX. Class of 1967
David Richard Davis was born and raised in Lewiston, Maine. He was active in outdoor activities, particularly hiking and mountain climbing. He enjoyed building electrical and mechanical devices. He came to StFX in 1963 to study physics. During the summer of 1966 after his third year of study, he worked in the Physics Department for Father Clarke. At the end of the summer, he was on his way home for a short visit before classes started when he was killed in a car accident. The David Davis prizes for first- and third-year physics were established by his parents and uncle and were awarded for the first time in 1982.
Winners to Date
2023-24 | Jesse Latter |
2022-23 | Brodie MacDonald |
2021-22 | Lydia Taylor |
2020-21 | Jacob Parker |
2019-20 | Mallory Long |
2018-19 | Sara Murrin |
2017-18 | April Long |
2016-17 | Samantha Bardwell, Emma Fudge and Megan Fudge |
2015-16 | Pheerawich Chitnelawong and Liam Farrell |
2014-15 | Matthew Martell |
2013-14 | Michael Kinach |
2012-13 | Taylor Landry and Kira Dube |
2011-12 | Wyatt Kirkby and Michael Thomson |
2010-11 | Stephen Deering |
2009-10 | Christopher van Bommel |
2008-09 | Shawn Brophy |
2007-08 | Thea Huard |
2006-07 | Marielle Lespérance |
2005-06 | Corrine Dewar |
2004-05 | Daniel McNeil / Amir Mohareb |
2003-04 | Louise Brennan / Ryan Brennan |
2002-03 | Leanne Hinger |
2001-02 | Christian Petropolis / Johnny Veliath |
2000-01 | Gillian Ryan |
1999-00 | Ryan MacDougall |
1998-99 | Tarryn Kennedy |
1997-98 | David Cooke |
1996-97 | Vaughn (V.J.) MacDonald |
1995-96 | Angela Tate |
1994-95 | Jeff Smith |
1993-94 | Derek Knoechel |
1992-93 | Charlotte Calnen / Geoff MacGillivray |
1991-92 | Sheri Boyden |
1990-91 | Chris King |
1989-90 | Pierre LeBlanc |
1988-89 | Chris Bowen |
1987-88 | Graham MacNeil |
1986-87 | Gerald Corsten |
1985-86 | Karen Kelly / Cliff Liem |
1984-85 | Richard Southcott |
1983-84 | Peter Poole |
1982-83 | Sylvester Chau / Gerald VanBommel |
1981-82 | Thanh Nguyen |
Charles Jordan Prize for second-year physics

Charles Edward Jordan
1932 - 1970
B.Sc. Physics, StFX 1952
M.Sc. Physics, McMaster 1956
Charles Jordan was an American who came to StFX in 1948 to study Physics. While a student here he worked with Father Clarke as a research assistant and lab demonstrator. He designed and built a control board for the lights and curtains in the StFX Auditorium. Upon completion of his graduate degree, Charles returned to New England to work as a microwave antenna design engineer for the Raytheon Company in Bedford, Massachusetts. He was married in 1956 and had three daughters. He died in 1970 at the age of 38. The Charles Jordan Prize was established in his memory by his mother, Mrs. David W. Jordan, and the first prize was awarded in 1981.
Winners to Date
2023-24 | Keely Ralf/Kennedy Lawrence |
2022-23 | Nevan Keating/Lydia Taylor |
2021-22 | Lyza Ells |
2020-21 | Scout McKee |
2019-20 | Jacob Koep |
2018-19 | Daniel Winters |
2017-18 | Thomas Hujon |
2016-17 | Pheerawich Chitnelawong |
2015-16 | Matt Martell |
2014-15 | Michael Kinach |
2013-14 | Taylor Landry |
2012-13 | Robyn Latimer |
2011-12 | Stephen Deering |
2010-11 | Zachary MacDonald |
2009-10 | Not Awarded |
2008-09 | Aaron Farrell |
2007-08 | Marielle Lespérance / Bethany Loewen |
2006-07 | Andrew Lim |
2005-06 | Ron MacEachern |
2004-05 | Katie Fraser |
2003-04 | Steve Condran |
2002-03 | Carmen Hartt |
2001-02 | Patrick Clancy |
2000-01 | Ryan MacDougall |
1999-00 | Laura Filion / Tarryn Kennedy |
1998-99 | David Cooke |
1997-98 | Jeremy Moeller |
1996-97 | William (B.J.) MacNeil |
1995-96 | Not Awarded |
1994-95 | Steward MacNeil |
1993-94 | Marcy Lumsden |
1992-93 | Patrick Sutton |
1991-92 | Chris King |
1990-91 | Mark Lumsden |
1989-90 | Chris Bowen |
1988-89 | Stephen Duncan |
1987-88 | Gerald Corsten |
1986-87 | Cliff Liem |
1985-86 | Richard Southcott |
1984-85 | Peter Poole |
1983-84 | Stephen Kymlicka / Mairi MacDonald |
1982-83 | Thanh Nguyen |
1981-82 | Andrew Bleau |
1980-81 | Ralph Mason / André Weingartshofer |
David Davis Prize for third-year physics

David Richard Davis
1945 - 1966
StFX. Class of 1967
David Richard Davis was born and raised in Lewiston, Maine. He was active in outdoor activities, particularly hiking and mountain climbing. He enjoyed building electrical and mechanical devices. He came to StFX in 1963 to study physics. During the summer of 1966 after his third year of study, he worked in the Physics Department for Father Clarke. At the end of the summer, he was on his way home for a short visit before classes started when he was killed in a car accident. The David Davis prizes for first- and third-year physics were established by his parents and uncle and were awarded for the first time in 1982.
Winners to Date
2023-24 | Hudson Forance/Nevan Keating |
2022-23 | Lyza Ells |
2021-22 | Scout McKee |
2020-21 | Jacob Koep |
2019-20 | Daniel Winters |
2018-19 | Thomas Hujon |
2017-18 | Liam Farrell |
2016-17 | Matthew Martell |
2015-16 | Michael Kinach |
2014-15 | Taylor Landry |
2013-14 | Robyn Latimer |
2012-13 | Stephen Deering |
2011-12 | Thomas Lee |
2010-11 | Not Awarded |
2009-10 | Aaron Farrell |
2008-09 | Ben Loewen / Marielle Lespérance |
2007-08 | Andrew Lim |
2006-07 | Chris Lim |
2005-06 | Katie Fraser / Melo Need / Patrick Shea |
2004-05 | Jamie Conrad |
2003-04 | Amanda Cherpak |
2002-03 | Shauna Kennedy / Patrick Clancy |
2001-02 | Ryan MacDougall |
2000-01 | Tarryn Kennedy |
1999-00 | David Cooke |
1998-99 | Jeremy Moeller |
1997-98 | John MacAskill |
1996-97 | Not Awarded |
1995-96 | Stewart MacNeil |
1994-95 | Marcy Lumsden |
1993-94 | Patrick Sutton |
1992-93 | Chris King |
1991-92 | Mark Lumsden |
1990-91 | Chris Bowen |
1989-90 | Stephan Duncan |
1988-89 | Gerald Corsten |
1987-88 | Cliff Liem |
1986-87 | Marty Corsten / Rick Southcott |
1985-86 | Peter Poole |
1984-85 | Mairi MacDonald |
1983-84 | Thanh Nguyen |
1982-83 | Carolyn MacDonald |
1981-82 | André Weingartshofer |
Dr. M.S. Gautam Prize for fourth-year physics

Dr. M. S. Gautam
1931 -1973
B.Sc., M.Sc. Agra University, India
Ph.D. 1966, U.B.C.
Dr. Gautam was born and raised in India, and after completing his M.Sc. at Agra University remained there as a lecturer for several years. He came to Canada and completed his Ph.D. in plasma physics at U.B.C. in 1966, the same year he joined the St.F.X. Physics Department. He and Dr. Y. N. Joshi established the research laboratory in atomic spectroscopy at St.F.X. They were active research collaborators until Dr. Gautam's tragic death in a highway accident which occurred while he was returning from a research field trip to U.N.B. The Gautam Prize was established in 1980 by his wife. It is awarded to the Honours Physics graduate with the highest average (over 80%) in the senior year.
Winners to Date
2023-24 | Sara Sullivan |
2022-23 | Matthew Penner |
2021-22 | Not Awarded |
2020-21 | Daniel Winters |
2019-20 | Thomas Hujon |
2018-19 | Liam Farrell |
2017-18 | Matt Martell |
2016-17 | Michael Kinach |
2015-16 | Taylor Landry |
2014-15 | Robyn Latimer |
2013-14 | Stephen Deering |
2012-13 | Zachary MacDonald |
2011-12 | Not awarded |
2010-11 | Aaron Farrell |
2009-10 | Marielle Lespérance |
2008-09 | Jordan Marsh |
2007-08 | Ron MacEachern |
2006-07 | Katie Fraser / Patrick Shea |
2005-06 | David MacKenzie |
2004-05 | Not Awarded |
2003-04 | Patrick Clancy |
2002-03 | Not Awarded |
2001-02 | Laura Filion |
2000-01 | David Cooke |
1999-00 | Jeremy Moeller |
1998-99 | John MacAskill |
1997-98 | Not Awarded |
1996-97 | Steward MacNeil |
1995-96 | Marcy Lumsden |
1994-95 | Patrick Sutton |
1993-94 | Malcolm Stevens |
1992-93 | Mark Lumsden |
1991-92 | Chris Bowen |
1990-91 | Stephen Duncan |
1989-90 | Gerald Corsten |
1988-89 | Cliff Liem |
1987-88 | Martin Corsten |
1986-87 | Peter Poole |
1985-86 | Stephen Kymlicka |
1984-85 | Thanh Nguyen |
1983-84 | Not Awarded |
1982-83 | André Weingartshofer |
1981-82 | Richard Valleé |
1980-81 | Not Awarded |
1979-80 | Leo MacDonald |
Wallbank-Weingartshofer Prize for Experimental Physics for fourth-year physics

Dr. B. Wallbank
B.Sc. 1970, Lanchester Polytechnic, U.K.
M.Sc. 1971, Essex University, U.K.
Ph.D. 1974, Liverpool University, U.K.

Dr. Tony Weingartshofer
D.Sc. 1955, Université Laval
Member of the Department 1954 - 1988
The Wallbank-Weingartshofer Prize for Experimental Physics is awarded to a graduating student in physics who, in the judgment of the faculty of the StFX Physics Department, has shown particular aptitude for experimental physics. The value of the prize is $500. The winner of the prize is announced at convocation.
The department uses the following criteria in determining the prize recipient:
- Experimental skill and aptitude as demonstrated in research in the department as well as in the laboratories associated with course work.
- Students in joint degrees with Physics as "Science A" are eligible.
- The winner is not determined on the basis of course grades, but instead, in the judgment of the department, on the basis of a demonstrated particular flair and skill for experimental physics.
- If the department decides that no student meets the criteria in a particular year, the award will not be given.
- No application on the part of the student is necessary.
Dr. Denise Wallbank has generously set up the prize to be given in honour of her late husband, Dr. Barry Wallbank, and also to recognize the contribution that Dr. Tony Weingartshofer made to the StFX Physics Department and the physics community.
Winners to Date
2023-24 | Bryanna Smith |
2022-23 | Roman Fisher |
2021-22 | Not awarded |
2020-21 | Noah Tessema |
2019-20 | Sean Murphy |
2018-19 | Patrick O'Brien |
2017-18 | James Kendall |
2016-17 | Nukhalu Callaghan-Patrachar |
2015-16 | Not awarded |
2014-15 | Alex Louli |
2013-14 | Peter Faour |
2012-13 | Not awarded |
2011-12 | Not awarded |
2010-11 | Alexandra MacDonald |
2009-10 | Ben Jantzen |
Yogi Joshi Prize for Excellence in Physics

Dr. Y. Joshi
M.Sc. 1959, Punjab University, India
Ph.D. 1964, University of British Columbia
The Yogi Joshi Prize for Excellence in Physics is to be awarded annually to a StFX B.Sc. physics student at the end of the student's second, third or fourth year of study. Consideration will be given to academic performance, participation in undergraduate research, and community service, as these were areas about which Dr. Joshi was passionate and which characterized his life at StFX.
Winners to Date
2023-24 | Lyza Ells |
2022-23 | Scout McKee |
2021-22 | Matthew Penner |
2020-21 | Catherine Boisvert and Claire MacDougall |
2019-20 | Dean Eaton |
2018-19 | Pheerawich Chitnelawong |
2017-18 | Pheerawich Chitnelawong |
2016-17 | Thomas Faour |
2015-16 | Siobhan Morris |
2014-15 | Wyatt Kirkby |
2013-14 | Connor Buhariwalla |
2012-13 | Thomas Lee |
2011-12 | Zachary MacDonald |
2010-11 | James Roberts |
2009-10 | Aaron Farrell |
2008-09 | Andrew Lim |
2052 Nasso Family Science Centre
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