Future Students Course List

Elementary Course Overview
Year one (E1)
411 Curriculum and Instruction in Language Arts I
This course is designed to prepare prospective elementary teachers to teach the language arts: reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing. Also included is comprehensive literacy programming, children’s literature, authentic assessment, and organizing the classroom for language instruction across the curriculum. Throughout this course, the practical influence of various language arts theories is emphasized with a particular focus upon early literacy in the lower elementary grades. Three credits.
412A Curriculum and Instruction in Early Elementary Mathematics
This course includes an examination of the early elementary school mathematics program (grades Primary – 3), and of various approaches to teaching mathematics to children, with emphasis on exploring strategies for the development of conceptual understanding through multiple representations. Three credits.
412B Curriculum and Instruction in Upper Elementary Mathematics
This course includes an examination of the upper elementary school mathematics program (grades 4 – 6), and of various approaches to teaching mathematics to children, with emphasis on exploring strategies for the development of conceptual understanding through multiple representations. Three credits.
413 Curriculum and Instruction in Science
The focus of this course is an emphasis on the process approach to teaching science, on the inquiry method, and on special techniques in the teaching of scientific concepts. The elementary science curriculumis examined. Three credits.
416 Curriculum and Instruction in Social Studies
A review of the social studies programs used in elementary school, with emphasis on the development of skills, methods and approaches involved in teaching these programs. Three credits.
433 Sociology of Education
This course will examine the social-political context of education in Canada, particularly contemporary structures. Students will explore the relationship between educational opportunity and conditions of inequality. Three credits.
435 Inclusive Practices I
This course discusses educational, practices and procedures, past and present, affecting pupils who have been marginalized socially and/or physically. These policies have evolved from an ideology of exclusion to inclusion. Preservice teachers will learn curriculum and instructional approaches to assist in meeting the academic and socio-emotional needs of students with diverse learning needs. Three credits.
439 Principles and Practices of Elementary Education
This course emphasizes the foundations of becoming an elementary school teacher. Topics include the professional and ethical role of the teacher, educational planning, the professional development process, reflective practice, teaching strategies, learning processes, classroom environment and management. Six credits.
471 and 472 Internship I & II
Students are placed in schools for five and one-half weeks of supervised practicum. Three credits.
Year two (E2)
414 Curriculum and Instruction in Language Arts II
This course is a continuation of Language Arts I with emphasis on the upper elementary years. Three credits.
415 Integrating Curriculum
This course provides an understanding of the content of the elementary school curriculum and of the potential for the integration of elementary subjects into language arts and mathematics, and the development of a rationale and strategies for teaching an integrated approach. Three credits.
434 Contemporary Issues in Public Education
This course examines the historical, legal, and philosophical underpinnings of contemporary issues facing public schooling. Goals, purposes, and dilemmas that have affected such facets of education as the structure of Canadian schooling, political and policy making processes, educational law, the work of teachers’ organizations, and educational standards are explored. Three credits.
436 Inclusive Practices II
This course provides preservice teachers with an understanding of the learning strengths and challenges of students with exceptionalities. Emphasis will be placed on collaborative team planning, professional supports provided for students with diverse learning needs, the assessment and education referral process, and the development of individualized educational plans. Three credits.
468 Teaching Mathematics in Middle Schools
Students will learn the process, content, and assessment of middle school mathematics. They will make connections, communicate, reason mathematically, and complete problems. Students will explore strategies for the development of conceptual understanding through multiple representations. Three credits.
481 and 482 Internship III & IV
Students are placed in schools for five and one-half weeks of supervised practicum. Three credits.
Nine Credits of Education electives.
Secondary course overview
Year one (S1)
432 Principles and Practices of Secondary Education
This course emphasizes the foundations of becoming a secondary school teacher. Topics include the professional and ethical role of the teacher, educational planning, the professional development process, reflective practice, teaching strategies, learning processes, classroom environment and management and pedagogy. Three credits each.
433 Sociology of Education
This course will examine the social-political context of education in Canada, particularly contemporary structures. Students will explore the relationship between educational opportunity and conditions of inequality. Three credits.
435 Inclusive Practices I
This course discusses educational, practices and procedures, past and present, affecting pupils who have been marginalized socially and/or physically. These policies have evolved from an ideology of exclusion to inclusion. Preservice teachers will learn curriculum and instructional approaches to assist in meeting the academic and socio-emotional needs of students with diverse learning needs. Three credits.
471 and 472 Internship I & II
Students are placed in schools for five and one-half weeks of supervised practicum. Three credits.
420 to 429 Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education (S1 and S2)
Curricular and instructional concepts will be described, demonstrated, evaluated, and applied in relation to the following subject fields of the school curriculum:
420 A & B Gaelic
421 A & B English
422 A & B Social Studies
423 A & B Mathematics
424 A & B Diverse Cultures (First Nations and African-Canadian Studies)
425 A & B Physical Education
426 A & B Music
427 A & B Science
428 A & B French
429 A & B Visual Arts
Students normally register for one of these eight courses in year one, and a second in year two. The choice is determined by each student’s two subject fields of study. For students pursuing a French or physical education specialization, please consult that section of the Calendar for more details of course sequence. Students with more than two teachable subjects may take additional courses from this list as electives. Six credits per pair.
Six Credits of Education electives
Year two (S2)
434 Comtemporary Issues in Public Education
This course examines the historical, legal, and philosophical underpinnings of contemporary issues facing public schooling. Goals, purposes, and dilemmas that have affected such facets of education as the structure of Canadian schooling, political and policy making processes, educational law, the work of teachers’ organizations, and educational standards are explored. Three credits.
436 Inclusive Practices II
This course provides preservice teachers with an understanding of the learning strengths and challenges of students with exceptionalities. Emphasis will be placed on collaborative team planning, professional supports provided for students with diverse learning needs, the assessment and education referral process, and the development of individualized educational plans. Three credits.
438 Assessment of Learning
This course explores issues surrounding the assessment for and of learning from a variety of perspectives. Basic principles of learning theory will be emphasized in the context of curricular examples from different teachable subject areas. Students will gain the skills necessary to critically evaluate and develop effective assessment approaches. Three credits.
440 Literacy in the Content Areas
This course explores and models teaching strategies that are consistent with the philosophy and background theory of content literacy. Students use the associated theories of literacy and the five recognized tools (reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing) to develop their knowledge of, and skill in applying, these concepts. Three credits.
481 and 482 Internship III & IV
Students are placed in schools for five and one-half weeks of supervised practicum. Three credits.
420 to 429 Curriculum and Instruction in Secondary Education (S1 and S2)
Curricular and instructional concepts will be described, demonstrated, evaluated, and applied in relation to the following subject fields of the school curriculum:
420 A & B Gaelic
421 A & B English
422 A & B Social Studies
423 A & B Mathematics
424 A & B Diverse Cultures (First Nations and African-Canadian Studies)
425 A & B Physical Education
426 A & B Music
427 A & B Science
428 A & B French
429 A & B Visual Arts
Students normally register for one of these eight courses in year one, and a second in year two. The choice is determined by each student’s two subject fields of study. For students pursuing a French or physical education specialization, please consult that section of the Calendar for more details of course sequence. Students with more than two teachable subjects may take additional courses from this list as electives. Six credits per pair.
Six Credits of Education electives
For course specific details and information, see the current Academic Calendar.
281 Xavier Hall
4545 Alumni Crescent
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5