Welcome to the Master of Education Program!

Welcome / Pjila’si / Fáilte / Bienvenue 

Congratulations on being accepted to the Master of Education degree program at St. Francis Xavier University!   

We are excited to welcome you to our community of learners. 

If you haven’t already done so, please e-mail med@stfx.ca as soon as possible to confirm your spot in the program. 

Master of Education Course Schedules 

The course schedule for the current academic year is posted here.

Cohort Concentrations 

Cohort concentrations are listed by concentration name on the first page of course schedule.  You can link directly to your concentration schedule by clicking the concentration name.  

Registering for Courses 

Open (Non-Cohort) Concentration students are registered by the MEd Program Office for their first two July courses only, EDUC 534 and EDUC 505.  Open (Non-Cohort) students self-register for their fall, winter, and spring MEd courses.  Registration for fall, winter, and spring courses opens in July, and students are notified via email from the Program Office once registration has opened.  

Steps to self-register can be found in the MEd Student FAQs under the heading "How do I register for courses?"

Members of cohort concentrations are registered for all of their scheduled courses by the the MEd Program Office. 

Course Payment 

All financial inquiries are to be addressed to the StFX Student Accounts (studentaccounts@stfx.ca / 902-867-2123). Preferred payment options can be viewed via the StFX Student Accounts Frequently Asked Questions here. The steps to checking your student account balance can be found via the StFX IT Services knowledge article here.

Information regarding tuition can be viewed on the StFX Student Accounts website.

The months leading up is when you ensure you have financial resources in place for your university education. Visit the StFX Financial Aid Office for helpful information and resources. You can also contact the Financial Aid Office at 902-867-2374/2301 or email financialaid@stfx.ca

Course fee due dates are as follows: 

Summer courses: Fees are due July 15 

Fall and Winter courses: 1st term payment is 65% of all fees due September 15, remainder of account due in full January 15 

Spring courses: Fees are due May 15 

Setting Up and Using Your StFX Email Account 

Your StFX student email is very important and should be set up as soon as possible. 

All general correspondence from the MEd Program Office is sent to your StFX student email, as well as all notifications from your instructors. 

The StFX student email is critical for attending your online courses and correspondence with all StFX services including IT Services. 

It is important to check your student email on a regular basis. 

Instructions on how to check your student e-mail 

What Do I Do if I Run Into Issues Setting Up My Email or Accessing Other StFX Services? 

If you need assistance with setting up your StFX Student Email please contact StFX IT Services for assistance: 

Click here for IT Services contact information 

Navigating Your Online Classroom 

Click here for helpful information regarding the Moodle online classroom

Student ID/Library Card 

Your student ID will be your StFX Library card. To get a student ID, you will need to contact StFX Security.  Please have your student ID number ready. Once you receive your ID card, complete your library registration by signing up online here.

I Have More Questions, Where Can I Go? 

Check out our list of frequently asked student questions, including financial information: Student FAQ page.

You can always reach out to the MEd Program Office at any time with questions, concerns, or for further information.