Navigating a Spending Request

Purchase Order

All requests for spending for goods and services must be requested via a Purchase Request Form. Once the purchase request is approved by the email workflow approval process, a purchase order will be generated and processed by Procurement Services.

Exceptions are outlined below and payment will be made using the alternative payment methods described.

Purchasing Card (PCard)

Eligible Expenses are outlined in the Purchasing Card (PCard) Financial Policy can be purchased by a University Purchasing Card.

Non-Travel Related Reimbursement Requests

The Cheque Requisition Form is used for miscellaneous non-travel expense reimbursement. This form should be used to request reimbursement for only the following list of specific items:

  • Referee expense claims
  • Course registrations
  • Webinars
  • Memberships/dues payments
  • Hotel and conference facility bookings (not accommodations) 
  • Request reimbursement for miscellaneous purchases eligible for payment by PCARD where credit cards are not accepted or unavailable.

Refer to the AUT PD & Travel Expenses for details on professional development and travel expense claims relating to sections 1.2.2 and 2.1.2 of the AUT Collective Agreement

The Honoraria and Awards Payment Request form should be used to request cheques for:

  • Student awards
  • Honorarium payments for visiting lecturers and guest speakers

Missing Documentation Instructions

If supporting documentation required to fulfil a payment process is lost, please include the completed Lost Receipt Declaration Form along with other forms required according to the payment method pursued.


Procure to Pay

2nd Floor MacKinnon Hall
4130 University Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5