On this page, you will find information about:

Campus Parking Map

Parking Permits

Daytime parking permit requirements will be enforced (ticketing and towing) on campus from 6 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday. The fee for overnight parking will continue but has been increased.

The fees will be as follows:

  • Daytime Parking - $250 per year/$150 per term
  • Overnight Parking - $450 per year/$275 per term
  • Monthly Parking - $50 per month
  • Single Day Parking - $10 per day

Permits will be required for any parking areas on campus during daytime hours and for overnight parking. Parking permits will not be required for people attending events on campus after 6 PM on weekdays or for parking at any time on weekends between 6 AM and 1 AM. There will be parking spaces designated at the Keating Centre and Bloomfield Centre to accommodate short-duration parking requirements.

Parking permits can be purchased and picked up at the Keating Centre Box Office between 8 AM and 8 PM daily.

Payroll deduction is available for StFX employees as a means of paying for the fee (approximately $10 per pay).

The shift to paid parking is in line with our goal to create a more pedestrian-centric campus that reduces traffic congestion. More information will be shared as it becomes available.

Daytime Parking

All students and employees who park on campus between 6 AM and 6 PM will be required to purchase a daytime parking permit, and display that permit in their vehicle while parked on campus. 

Single Day parking permits are also available through the Box Office.

Daytime parking permits do not authorize the holder to park in “University Authorized Vehicles Only” parking spaces around campus.

Parking spots are not guaranteed. Parking is on a first-come-first serve basis. Students and employees are asked to adhere to posted parking regulations as well as demonstrate good parking etiquette consistent with the community code of conduct as outlined in the rights and responsibilities sections.

Daytime Parking Permits must be clearly visible in your vehicle at all times when parked on campus.

Please click the link below to select which parking permit you would like to purchase for the 2024/2025 StFX Academic year.

Parking Permits

Payroll Deduction (Payment Option for StFX employees)

Overnight Parking

Only students living in residence will be eligible to register for and purchase an overnight parking permit, and all students with overnight parking permits will be required to park in designated overnight parking areas. Students who purchase an overnight parking permit do not need to purchase a daytime parking permit.

Those students living in residence who wish to leave vehicles overnight on campus will need to purchase an overnight parking permit at a cost of $450 for the full academic year (September 1st, 2024 – August 31st, 2025) or $275 for one academic term.

Please click the link above to purchase an overnight parking permit for the 2024/2025 StFX Academic year.

Please complete the form which requires your Student ID number, Residence, Make, Model and Year of vehicle and License Plate number. The system will not allow you to checkout without completing the form with this information. It is important that the details are correct as Security will be matching the permits with the information provided when checking parking areas and enforcing overnight parking during the academic year. Incorrect information could lead to a ticket or even having your vehicle towed.

Overnight parking permits can be picked up at the Charles V. Keating Centre Box Office. Students will be asked for their ID to match with the data that is in the system.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to boxoffice@stfx.ca.

Please note that due to our limited parking capacity, we cannot guarantee that all students wishing to purchase an overnight parking permit will receive one.

Overnight parking permits do not authorize the holder to park in “University Authorized Vehicles Only” parking spaces around campus.

Should you decide to not bring a vehicle to campus, a number of transportation options are at your disposal including the StFX Students’ Union Drive-UAntigonish Community Transit, and Maritime Bus. Many services and amenities, including grocery stores and the Antigonish Mall, are within walking distance of campus.

Overnight parking privileges have the following conditions and expectations:

  1. Overnight Parking Permits must be clearly visible in your vehicle at all times when parked on campus. Failure to do so may result in your vehicle being ticketed and towed.
  2. All vehicles must be parked in an approved parking space in one of the designated Overnight Parking areas: P3, P4, P6, P8a, P8b, P9 (one row), P11 (two rows), P12, P16, and P17. A link to the Campus Parking Map is provided below. Please make yourself familiar with the Overnight Parking areas.
  3. Overnight Parking Permits do not guarantee a parking space in a specific parking area or a parking space close to your building.
  4. When requested by the University, all vehicles must be relocated to support parking area maintenance or other campus requirements.
  5. All vehicles should be moved frequently to enable parking area maintenance.
  6. Parking in Bloomfield Centre parking area P5 is permitted until 3 AM to accommodate events. Parking in all other non-overnight parking areas is permitted until 1 AM.

Should occasional overnight parking privileges be required, please contact Safety & Security Services in advance to request approval. If approved, directions as to where to park the vehicle on campus for the night will be provided. Failure to communicate in advance may result in the vehicle being ticketed and towed.

Please review the StFX Campus Parking Map for approved Overnight Parking Areas.

Authorized and Visitor Parking

"University Authorized Vehicles Only" parking spaces have been designated on campus. Only vehicles with an authorized StFX permit are permitted to park in spaces designated as “University Authorized Vehicles Only.” These spaces are for short-term use by StFX service vehicles, employee vehicles approved for university operations, or contractors and visitors. Authorization to park in these spaces must be pre-arranged by contacting Safety & Security Services. 

Daytime parking permits and overnight parking permits do not authorize the holder to park in “University Authorized Vehicles Only” parking spaces around campus.

Visitor Parking

  • Visitor Parking Spaces are also designated across campus to provide short-term access to high-use buildings/facilities.

Guests of the University

  • Guests may use daily parking spaces on campus as available.
  • Guests of the University may be pre-approved to park in "University Authorized Vehicles Only" spaces to accommodate for special events.
  • Requests for authorized parking privileges must be made in advance with StFX Safety & Security Services for approval. If approved, directions as to where to park the vehicle on campus will be provided. Failure to communicate in advance may result in the vehicle being ticketed and towed.
  • Prospective students and their families touring the University must obtain an authorized parking tag from Safety & Security Services if parked in a University Authorized Parking Only space (Campus Tour Coordinator will facilitate this).

Please review the StFX Campus Parking Map for the location of these parking spaces.

Accessible Parking

  • Accessible parking spaces are available throughout the campus. Accessible parking spaces are regulated provincially and authorization for use of these spaces requires an accessible parking tag issued by the province of Nova Scotia.
  • Accessible parking tags are only to be used by the authorized user of the tag or when the authorized user is in the vehicle.
  • Accessible parking tags must be clearly visible in the vehicle at all times.
  • Unauthorized use of accessible parking spaces will result in a parking violation being issued along with the vehicle being towed.

Parking accommodations may also be made available to persons with certain medical conditions. Please contact Safety & Security Services in advance to request approval. If approved, directions as to where to park your vehicle on campus will be provided. Failure to communicate in advance may result in the vehicle being ticketed and towed.

StFX Safety & Security Services administers, authorizes and enforces parking on campus.

Ticket Appeal Process

Parking tickets are issued by Safety & Security Services under the jurisdiction of the Town of Antigonish. Parking Fines are paid to the Town of Antigonish. For inquiries related to fines or contesting a ticket in court, contact the Municipal Office, Main Street, Antigonish.

Individuals seeking clarification regarding issued parking violations must submit in writing by email to security@stfx.ca:

  1. the violation number
  2. their concerns and questions
  3. an image of the parking violation 

All correspondence will be reviewed by Security Officers and the Manager of StFX Safety & Security Services. A response will be provided at the earliest opportunity.

StFX appreciates the cooperation of all vehicle owners. Please note that it is your responsibility to be aware of the parking signs around you, and that all vehicles not in compliance will be issued written violations and/or towed at the owner’s expense.

Please contact StFX Safety & Security Services for any questions regarding campus parking at security@stfx.ca or by phone at 902-867-4444.