The StFX Faculty of Education has developed a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction to prepare educators to be leaders in Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for qualified in-service educators. This cohort aligns with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Education goals of better serving underserved communities in Nova Scotia. As such, it advances the instructional capabilities of participants to support the learning of all students with a particular focus upon equitable learning for First Nations and African Nova Scotian learners and children from families living in poverty.

This program is grounded in two main purposes:

Creating a space for cohort participants to better understand and further develop their scholarly and professional knowledge and capabilities as teachers and leaders in culturally responsive pedagogy,

To use their knowledge and capabilities to enhance the equitable learning of all students


Culturally Responsive Pedagogy 1 (Summer 2016 - Summer 2018) - Chignecto Central Regional School Board


Culturally Responsive Pedagogy 3 (Summer 2019 - Summer 2021)


Culturally Responsive Pedagogy 4 (Summer 2020 - Summer 2022)


Culturally Responsive Pedagogy 5 (Summer 2021 - Summer 2023)